
So last night, I think that I had the scariest moment since the transplant.

I was sleeping and Mom came running into my room at about 2 in the morning to wake me up. All she said was "Lydia! Wake up! Papa just fell down!"

I got up immediately, and I kid you not, that run down the hallway felt like eternity. She didn't tell me if he fell on his kidneys, or his head, so I had no idea what I was going to find.

I walked in there, and he was sitting on the floor, holding his knee and looking quite stunned. Apparently he tripped over something and came down on his knee.

We cleaned up his knee, only to notice that his toe was bleeding as well. We bandaged that up, because there is no way he can afford to get an infection in his toe.

So I mean, yeah, he's fine. But when you read that he fell, weren't you a little nervous. Weren't you afraid that he fell in the incision?
It's scary. But its also a reality that we have to be so careful around Dad. I get scared when I drive him places, just because if I get in a car accident, it would be really bad.

But I mean. He's still the same old Papa. He still woke me up this morning for work, and made me a sandwich, even though he didn't have to. He's the same Papa, even though he has to take 9 pills twice a day, and hasn't left the house since he came home other than to go to do Labs. He's still the amazing father that I have, only a little more fragile.

I guess this morning was a reality check. A reminder sent out my the cruel world that Dad is changed, and we have to be really careful, especially right now.

I didn't write this to freak all you guys out. I wrote it so you can feel what it feels like over here. How its joyous every time I look at the new life that my Dad has, but its also scary to see how fragile he is.

SO keep praying. Thank God that he only fell on his knee and hurt his toe. Thank God that he has a kidney and is doing a lot better. Pray for the pain that he's in. Pray that infections stay away. And pray for the fact that my Dad's alive. Because I love him dearly, and I know that he makes the world a better place every day. And still, Pray for Lori, thanking the Lord for people like her, and the amazing strength she has to give an organ to another person.


cheryle said…
Lyddie, You do such a great job of helping us understand what you are going through. I love your blogs. Your dad is so lucky to have so many loving women around him. Most men would envy him. And they would also wonder how he keeps his sanity with all of those females.
You are in my prayers.
love ya
2 Story Lori said…
Hello Miss Lydia, I hope that your Dad is doing okay and it was more scary than medically dangerous?

You are a very dynamic writer, you also said some very nice things about me. Thank you. I have been very overwhelmed by the love from your family, I have always felt that the true bonds of one's family is not defined by blood, but by love. Your family is my family.

Your Mom is a wonderful, graceful and intelligent woman, if not for her I would not know your Dad. I feel priviledged to be able to help such a patient, intelligent, creative soul.

I am now wearing the green donor bracelet your Mom gave me proudly. I love coffee again, and unfortunately food. I went to Connies yesterday, and it was awesome.

I would also like to say that anyone considering donation. It is not as painful as either a csection delivering twins, or back surgery to repair an L5 disc rupture. I think we should step back occasionally and ask ourselves if we are making a difference, if that is important to you as a person, this is a fairly logical decision. With very little risk to myself, I have hopefully extended the life of a very deserving person to continue to shower love on his family, friends and students.

I also feel like in some way I am living a creative life, in some "flat stanley" way. I cannot wait for the celebration of our first year of donation next summer. I think it would be a hoot to get everyone together here at my house.!! Please give everyone a big hug and kiss for me. Love to all, Lori

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