
Dad went into surgery about an hour ago. There was a bit of a mix up, apparently they were supposed to be there at 5:30 like they were originaly told. I guess they got a letter that said check in was at 7, and the surgery was at 9, but that letter was wrong. Because of that mix up the surgery was delayed. They decided to take his right kidney out, and they think we may be able to see him after about 6 hours or so.

There have been so many stories told about Lori, and I really wish I could tell all of you. She's an amazingly strong person. And halarious as well.
I guess her husband has a cold, and she made him sit in the back the whole way to Indy, and sprayed him with LYSOL every time she coughed, and was constantly handing him antibacterial wipes every time he coughed. She says she is determined to stay healthy, and if she would have gotten sick on the way up here she wouldn't know what to do.
She also made a lot of cookies, and wrapped them all seperately to bribe the nurses with. They told her she couldn't eat in 24 hours, but she is planing to bring herself a banana and some food to hide from the nurses.
Now those don't give her justice to her personality, which is a shame, because its a great one!

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