Extended Family

Kate, especially thank you so much for that comment. It means so much to know that I'm not alone in this whole ordeal. Things have been really hectic lately at home. We're all on edge. Mom and dad are asking if I've heard from Lori. (we email back and forth) We're all walking around wondering if its going to be her. We planned a trip to Indy to look for housing, but that fell through due to complicated schdueles.

We were supposed to technically know by now. But, I got an email yesterday from Lori. And apparently when she was doing the 24 hour blood pressure test the cuff stopped working, so she had to restart. She said she will know by 1 today. I'm so nervous. I know that the whole family is counting on her. Everything has worked up to here. She's gotten so far. And every day I thank God for the amazing person she is. So we will know in maybe an hour or so. In my heart, I've already decided that it's going to be her. I guess the transplant cordinator already talked to her family doctor, so that show's promise. She's really healthy, so I don't see why it wouldn't work.

We have tentively scheduled the transplant for the 25th or the 26th. That's 11 days. In 11 days my dad could be in the hospital getting a new kidney. I'm terrified.
My dad has long black hair that is a couple of inches past his shoulders. His hair is part of his character. But for the transplant he wants to cut it off. That is going to be really hard for me. I'm already going to have to see my dad weak, with no immune system, and then he's not going to have his hair.
I don't know what this is going to do to everyone in the family. We're all excited and nervous. I don't think this has become real to us yet.

My status? Well Becky asked if I have had any complications.
I haven't really run into anything after the whole peeing blood thing. My only restrictions are contact sports and I can't take Ibuprofen. I've had high blood pressure for the 6 months or so, but that has been taken care of by prescribing blood pressure medicine. You can't look at me and tell that I have a disease. I don't have to restrict my diet or anything yet. I have to be smart when it comes to the things I do. I probably shouldn't play rugby or dodgeball.
Colorado sent me some information on the testing program. It looks really interesting. And I can't wait to get started. I just have to schedule my first visit. I have a packet of information that I was going to put up here, but at some point in the morning I misplaced it. (sorry!)

So. Now my family is just waiting. We're waiting to hear from Lori. And I promise all of you that the minute I know, and calm down a bit, I will get on here and tell you the update.

Thanks for all the support! And I'm quite sorry about my lack of spelling skills.


Auntie m. said…
Lydia... when I was bedridden for a rather long time as a child, my hair was cut short. I wasn't all that happy about it (although, truth be told, I probably look better with short hair than long). It was more practical for all of us.

Just remember, it's hair -- it grows back.

It's probably best to think of it as symbolic of the next chapter in your dad's life -- new hair, new kidney, new chapter. How he looks, whether he is weak for a period ... these are not the things that define who your dad is or your relationship to him. Try not to lose sight of that.
jennbenn092301 said…

I too went through what you are going through. I was 14 when my dad had his transplant and had just been diagnosed myself a year earlier.
Remember you are not alone in all this. Keep your thoughts positive and you chin up. I am sending good wishes for you and your family.

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